8-9 Dec 2014 Rocquencourt (France)



High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Flow in Porous Media Presentation
P. Bastian (IWR, Heidelberg)

Darcy law, gradient flows and parabolic systems Presentation
Y. Brenier (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau) 

Total Differential interpolation of Two-phase Data for Three-phase Compressible Flows Presentation
G. Chavent (Prof. emeritus Univ. Paris Dauphine) 

Role of flow models and simulations for assessing waste disposal and recoverable ressources in fractured media Presentation (ppt) Presentation (pdf)
J. R. de Dreuzy (Univ. Rennes)

Modeling flow in faulted porous media
I. Faille (IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison)

Numerical methods for a hyperbolic system of balance laws arising in the formation of sand pile on a finite table Presentation
G. D. V. Gowda (TIFR, Bangalore)

Multi-scale and multi-physics modelling of flow and transport processes in porous media Presentation
R. Helmig (Univ. Stuttgart) 

Plasma boundary reconstruction using topological asymptotics Presentation
M. Jaoua (Univ. Française, Cairo) 

Mathematical and numerical investigation of an interface resonance phenomenon in electromagnetism Presentation
P. Joly (Inria Saclay)

Only Old Wine in New Bottles? Thermodynamics of Mixtures from a PDE Point of View Presentation
P. Knabner (Univ. Erlangen) 

A contribution to the multi-scale finite element method
Z. Mghazli (Univ. Ibn Tofail , Kenitra)

Reflections on three decades of science and camaraderie Presentation
T. Russell (NSF, Washington, DC) 

Mixed finite elements: a priori analysis, implementation, and use in a posteriori analysis Presentation
M. Vohralík (Inria Rocquencourt) 

30 Years Working with Jaffré and Roberts on Modeling Flow in Porous Media Presentation
M. F. Wheeler (Univ. Texas, Austin) 

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